Rabies Control Section

Surry County Health and Nutrition Center works closely with Surry County Animal Control to examine,investigate, and control rabies in the county.  

Whenever an animal required to be vaccinated against rabies bites a person, the bite and all identifying information must be reported to the local health director immediately by the person bitten or by the animal’s owner or person in control of the animal, as well as by the attending physician, within 24 hours. Local health department communicable disease (CD) nurses are often the first health care providers contacted when humans are bitten or otherwise exposed or potentially exposed to rabies. CD nurses conduct rabies risk assessments and investigations and provide information about rabies pre- and post exposure prophylaxis for humans. The local health directors direct and administer the local rabies control program and have the authority to order confinement, quarantine, or euthanasia and rabies testing of any biting animal, as provided by law. For more information about North Carolina Rabies Control and for General Statute guidance, please click here. 

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